Cuba blog April 6 continuation

Submitted by eagle on Sun, 05/19/2019 - 15:15

What do I want to know? What are people like in different countries? What are different places like? Maybe I'm curious about geography & culture. Not necessarily In a technical way.  There are some insights technically, e.g. what makes a city, etc. Maybe interview some geographers, average people, etc. I don't know.  Is that interesting to other people? Maybe.

I'm tired. I want safety, comfort, company, etc. I have to work for it.

It's inconvenient on an island. After this, I look forward to being back on a continent. Not sure that there are too many "islands" I want to visit. Probably a bunch, but they're hard to get to… maybe later. It seems safe on an island, I guess people know each other, you can't get far away…

There are mess ups on the way, it's part of the process. At least I can write these up. So I'm now in Cuba, stressed out, but trying more things…

I can write about as much as I want. Just not sure what to say.

Maybe I need to sleep differently. I just want to be able to shut down. I'm disturbed. Maybe that's an urban thing? distURBed…

I haven't seen any tents in Cuba, not sure where they'd be sold.

It's like being in an earlier period… I feel like I'm in the early 20th century, but with a few pieces of the early 21st century (occasional wifi hotspots, phones, etc.).

A device to quiet unwanted noises… earplugs. But I don't think I can just wear earplugs throughout the day & night. They don't resolve the problems for me anyways.

I don't know how to resolve some of my mental problems. I just want some peace, quiet. I think that many of the categories of things that interested me before don't… business, etc. Still do to some extent, but I'm struggling to get by, now more interested in basics. There are positive things. I'm getting better.

Doblar in Cuban Spanish: turn the corner. Cubanos platican rapidos… no dicen todas las letras… usan palabras diferentes… no parece que quieren que entiendes…

I think it's an arrogant society, going along with the masculine stuff. 

The people here seem often selfish. Maybe that's why they have/need so much of the political stuff, etc.

Cuba has like 3-5 variants of basic products. US has like hundreds of variants of anything.

Cuba blog April 6

Submitted by eagle on Sun, 05/19/2019 - 15:11

I'm figuring out what I want to do, what I can do, etc. It's a gradual process. I know generally that I want to have nice travels in the carib., then go. It takes some on the ground to figure out how much of a place I want. What it takes to get there, stay there, leave, etc. There are tons of ways, through. Just keep at it.


In some ways it's hard to travel, in some ways it's maybe easier (at least for me) to travel than to stay in one place. It requires more planning, etc., but one is more free… I like the cultural immersion. You get to see how other people are. I also like the chance to stay in a different culture, i.e. not just for seeing it as an outsider, but also for having it as one's own, even if only for a while.

Cubans in Cuba seem somewhat comparable to Cubans in Miami… I think they've generally adapted to US culture less than Chicanos, but have probably been around a shorter amount…

Cubans seem brusque, aggressive, rural/rough, rude, tough, etc. It seems like a masculine society. Maybe has much to do with being in agro/industrial stage. In 20-30 years, maybe more modern?

Next place in Habana

Submitted by eagle on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 13:35

The new place has closed windows & doors, so that there aren't mosquitoes or loud noises. I slept much better last night.

Another long day of walking. I now feel like I've seen much of the city. I'm starting to feel ready to move on. Also, since I think that my American bank card won't work in Cuba, I have a limited supply of cash. As such, I'm considering a quick ride around the country, then take off. Maybe come back again later.

I have a plane ticket from Havana to Puerto Rico (via Panama). I had to book it quickly to get into Cuba, because officially you need to show that you can leave the country to get in. (They didn't ask for it.) I had tried to book a flexible ticket, but the service didn't accept my payments, so I switched to a different booking service that did accept my payments, but without a flexible ticket. That's (the ticket) for September. I was thinking of spending six months in the country. Now I'm not sure whether I even want to. It's a beautiful country to visit, but I don't feel like it's a total match for my tastes. Also, it's somewhat small. We'll see…

For this book, I'm now thinking of just Latintripping. I don't think there's more to say.

I feel pressured here. In part I suppose that there are pressures anywhere. In part I think it's the tropics, so much sun pouring in that it produces vegetation, activity almost everywhere. Hard to find a quiet spot. Maybe explains the poverty of tropical places.

As of now I feel like I've tried many of the Cuban dishes I've wanted to. At least here. Maybe there are some regional specialties elsewhere in the country.

I've received a number of recommendations from locals for places to visit in Cuba. If I go, want to try visiting…

I like the architecture, coffee, tobacco, vegetation, geography, & more about Cuba. Not such a fan of the noise, pollution, shopping, some of the people, etc. Cuban people seem somewhat rude… They yell… They don't seem to care much for visitors… There are some Cubans who do care...

Cuba continuing 3

Submitted by eagle on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 13:31

The movie theater advertised a Cuban movie… I thought, is it political? Probably. Didn't bother, but I'm not much of a movie buff.

I think I've now tried much of what I want in la habana.

My caribbean plan started off vague.

Now I want to see some of the major islands, maybe some of the smaller islands, gen'ly the latin islands.

I think that often one starts of wanting to travel because one has some notion(s) about some place(s). These notions are often false, or simplistic at best. If one does travel, then upon arrival one figures out some of the things that one does or does not like about the place. It also informs further decisions about other places.

I now want to get a feel for the caribbean, not exhaustively seeing each island. It's such a pain getting among countries, physiologically, logistically, legally, etc. Also, they have much in common. I want to try some of the more unique ones, the more sizable ones, w/ culture.

Cuba continuing 2

Submitted by eagle on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 13:24

US: So many products to choose from. Too many.
Cuba: So few products. Too few (if any).

During the day, it's reaching around 32 C. that's hot enough, esp. w/ the humidity, to make it uncomfortable in the sun. aside from that, it's pleasant - in the shade, or in the morning. The weather seems so consistently comfortable that I think it explains the economic non-productivity.

The Caribbean is a tough area. It produces some tasty food & drink. I don't want to spend more than a year or two here.

Cuba continuing

Submitted by eagle on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 13:19

Still having a hard time getting to sleep… the mosquitoes make it worse… the only repellent I've found contains citronella, not DEET, not sure whether it's that effective… Smells nicer at least…

The dehydration may also make it harder to get to sleep

The pharmacies here don't carry the usual assortment that e.g. American pharmas have… Here it's herbal products, a few staples like ibuprofen, etc. So far they've said they typical Cuban "no" to both of my questions: if they had anything to get to sleep, or if they had anything for the sinuses.

Cuban society is basically functional, but anything more advanced seems spotty…

La Habana, Cuba

Submitted by eagle on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 13:16

I'm already getting tired of Habana. It's a beautiful city, but it's exhausting. Also, I feel like I've seen many of the streets. After seeing a street once or on a few occasions, I feel like I know it, so it loses its novelty. Thinking of spending another couple of weeks around town, then maybe try to get out to other parts of the country.

Finally managed to get the 5 hour wifi cards to work… After much walking, found a telecom minipoint… As I approached holding my broken wifi cards, the saleswoman said "we don't carry those here." I answered that I just wanted to exchange them. She said I'd have to go to a full sales center. I asked where the nearest one is. She wrote down directions, then s/aid she thinks it's somewhere around there. I asker if in the meantime I could buy some 1 hour cards. "No hay ahora" ("We don't have any now"). I walked over to the full sales center, where the extremely slow bureaucracy eventually replaced the cards. The process involved much slow typing, printing of tons of paper, stamping the papers, etc. I asked the staff woman to scratch off the password covers (like a lottery ticket) for me, since these were more of the vintage 2017. She obviously had a better technique than mine, because she was able to scratch them off with a coin without tearing them off.

I hope I don't pick up too much of a Cuban accent in Spanish. It sounds funny to me, hardly intelligible.

Tu y usted…

There's a funny feature of Spanish & some other languages, not present in English. There are two different ways to say "you" in Spanish: tu or usted. In English, this used to be the difference between you versus thou. "Tu" is informal, as in two friends talking to each other. "Usted" is formal, as in addressing a stranger or a respected person. This leads to a sort of forced entertainment in which people have to choose which "you" to use, risking insult. The pronoun can even change mid-conversation. Personally I don't feel comfortable with either. When someone calls me "usted," I think it sounds too formal, when I'm just another person. When someone calls me "tu," I think it can sound condescending. Also, people in different Spanish-speaking countries use these words differently. Some countries even have other pronouns for "you," which makes it all quite confusing.

English just has "you." Easy.

In general I feel that English is a more straightforward language. That makes it more convenient, but uglier.

Day 10 in Havana!

Submitted by eagle on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 13:01

The artisanal fruit wines are delicious, although they do kind of taste the same to me. Maybe the process of wine-making removes some of the fruit flavors.

I'm still unsure what to write this book about, besides travel. Now thinking maybe something like Latin & Caribbean culture. That's part of travel, though. Does it need anything more?

Not sure how general or accurate this is… Seems like Cubans start the around 8 AM (some earlier, some later), have a relaxed day with some work & some eating & drinking, dine around 7 PM, socialize etc. until 11 PM (some earlier, some later). I think it's spread out more throughout the day than in North America… The latter seems to work harder during the day (esp. 9-5), then shut down earlier. In part perhaps because of the weather, in part perhaps because of the culture (which depends at least to some extent on the weather).

It's so noisy in Havana… Every street, every corner… It's full of people… Different noises than in the US… In the US, there are large trucks, sports cars, dogs barking, yelling… Here, there are old cars, dogs barking, people yelling… Maybe I'm just extra-sensitive…

I want my capitalism back…

Another night in La Havana. Tomorrow I'm supposed to go to the next place, if I rented it correctly…

Travel is hard, things generally don't go according to plan, especially in Cuba. You have to think on your feet, handle your emotions, etc. Also, figure out which activities to do, while navigating a foreign culture, language, streets, etc.

It's fun, but it's hard. But it's hard (for me anyways) to fit in back in one place. I get bored so easily. For me, travel gives me a chance for constant novelty.

In one place, getting bored quickly is a huge disadvantage, as it means that you run out of places to go. While traveling, getting bored quickly can be a huge advantage, as it keeps you going. Gives you motivation. Instead of just getting tired, giving in… you get tired, go on…

Travel is about one thing: going on.

A human is a remarkable device. Able to survive much. Able to move through much.

Came across a street where almost every building seemed to be a bike shop… Prices were somewhat higher than I'd hoped, ranging from around $100-500 US. One vendor said he'd get me a bike for $60. The bikes looked decent. I said I'd think about it, maybe come back to the street.

I think that Cuban people, like at least some other Latin people, have an aptitude for mechanical work. Even far away from the city center, the buildings are beautiful. I'm not sure whether Havana just has had a few talented architects, but I think that maybe it's part of the culture. Other Latin areas also seem to have beautiful architecture.

The city has some noticeable altitude, producing gorgeous views:

Maybe it takes a crazy kind of person to write. It's like thinking or talking about what you've done, but instead of just thinking or saying it, you write it down so that other people (or least yourself later) can read it. That seems like kind of a crazy thing to do.

This weekend I hope to get to the beach if there's a chance. I still haven't been to the beach yet in Cuba. I've been by the water, where there are buildings. I've seen beach pix. But I want to go.

The communism does seem to keep the population somewhat more cohesive. However, it also slows down development. I think that soon the revolution will become distant enough history.

There are tons of cafeterias (cafes). Instead of an expensive commercial establishment, as in the US, they're basically just front entrances from people's houses. There are a few different types, most have five cent (US) coffee, under a dollar ham & cheese sandwiches, & a few other items. Some don't have coffee, just juice. Some serve rum & cigars.

People often walk through the streets eating & drinking. I didn't realize that there are societies where it's considered acceptable to drink alcohol at any time of day.

Maybe being on an island is like being on a ship.

In addition to the cars, people drive around in motorcycles, many w/ sidecars, as well as three-wheel vehicles. There are a number of bikes on the streets.

The state organizes the economy, but there are also tons of independent vendors.

Cuba is quite large, for an island. It's around a thousand miles from Havana to the eastern side…

Walking is different than biking, it's slow enough that you don't speed by, while sometimes getting frustrated not going faster. I thought the same about biking before, compared to cars. Walking's about as slow as you can go, especially if you're hobbling around…

I've been throwing in some running, despite my feet, also some exercises, to keep in shape.

Cuba likes things sweet. My teeth have been feeling gross during the day, after eating so much sugar.

Finally managed to finish a quick load of laundry, rush out the door…

Cubans often speak & make loud noises… I guess because so many people are in the streets… It's common for people to call out to each other by name, or by making whistles or other sounds. I'm not sure that I've figured out exactly what all the sounds mean, but sometimes I hear a sound & realize that a person's calling me. Also, I've noticed that people sometimes send items up or down from the street to a second story apartment, using a rope & bucket system.

Generally I like being in Cuba, it's a cool country despite its setbacks, but it can be stressful. Not sure how much of the stress is adapting to being here, dealing w/ travel challenges, & other personal stresses, versus stresses particular to Havana…

Day 9 in Cuba!

Submitted by eagle on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 12:59

Cuba is the largest country in the Caribbean. It feels small. It's a small region.

Today was sort of a beautiful exercise in futility, which is how I feel about Cuba in general. I was going to buy some more wifi cards, & try to return the one I had previously bought whose password didn't show up. After walking a long while, I found a place with tarjetas (cards). I bought $10 worth (10 hours). After lunch, I tried scratching off the password cover (like a lottery card. Again it didn't work! The $5 cards I've bought have all had expiry dates in 2017, failing to scratch. Now I have $15 of failed cards.

On the way, I came across a shoe fixer. He quickly fixed my sandal, which I've been struggling to glue together almost every day. Almost back to the apartment, one of the sandals broke, not sure whether an area he fixed or a different area. My feet have healed to the point that I could walk & even run without much limping today! I have to say that I'm more impressed with my body healing than with human artefacts healing!

Ate some comida criolla… a big bowl of rice, beans, & ham, & juice, for like 25 cents…

I like some parts of Cuba, but it's not a fit w/ my personality… Looking forward to next destinations…

Now sipping on some rum, exhausted…

I've been eating ibuprofen… Also, suffering psychologically, maybe in part from the weather…

Check out is tomorrow. The next place is supposed to be for next week, but Airbnb shows another reservation for this last week. Not sure yet whether to expect more problems there…

