Cuba blog April 6 continuation
What do I want to know? What are people like in different countries? What are different places like? Maybe I'm curious about geography & culture. Not necessarily In a technical way. There are some insights technically, e.g. what makes a city, etc. Maybe interview some geographers, average people, etc. I don't know. Is that interesting to other people? Maybe.
I'm tired. I want safety, comfort, company, etc. I have to work for it.
It's inconvenient on an island. After this, I look forward to being back on a continent. Not sure that there are too many "islands" I want to visit. Probably a bunch, but they're hard to get to… maybe later. It seems safe on an island, I guess people know each other, you can't get far away…
There are mess ups on the way, it's part of the process. At least I can write these up. So I'm now in Cuba, stressed out, but trying more things…
I can write about as much as I want. Just not sure what to say.
Maybe I need to sleep differently. I just want to be able to shut down. I'm disturbed. Maybe that's an urban thing? distURBed…
I haven't seen any tents in Cuba, not sure where they'd be sold.
It's like being in an earlier period… I feel like I'm in the early 20th century, but with a few pieces of the early 21st century (occasional wifi hotspots, phones, etc.).
A device to quiet unwanted noises… earplugs. But I don't think I can just wear earplugs throughout the day & night. They don't resolve the problems for me anyways.
Doblar in Cuban Spanish: turn the corner. Cubanos platican rapidos… no dicen todas las letras… usan palabras diferentes… no parece que quieren que entiendes…
I think it's an arrogant society, going along with the masculine stuff.
The people here seem often selfish. Maybe that's why they have/need so much of the political stuff, etc.
Cuba has like 3-5 variants of basic products. US has like hundreds of variants of anything.