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Constraints & Adjustments

Submitted by eagle on Sun, 08/04/2019 - 22:32

In cities with millions of residents, you can't meet them all, or see every corner. Likewise, you can't visit every part of a country. You have to be somewhat selective. By what criteria do you choose places to visit?

Personally, I combine some of my personal preferences with any recommendations. For example, I often like to visit coasts, rivers, etc. Also, if I see or hear that a city is renowned for x, then I may go and do x. Also, sometimes it's just random, spontaneous fun!

Before arriving, I read that Republica Dominicana had advanced telecoms but inconsistent electricity.  Instead, I feel like the electricity is consistent but the internet is iffy.

It's like a whole different ball game having semi-consistent AC and wifi, versus working while camping!

Things often don't work out as expected. Important to adapt!


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