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Touring, Sikoloji, Manje, Fachis!

Submitted by eagle on Tue, 12/14/2021 - 13:04

I'm aiming to do a different style of bike touring next. E-bike touring, staying in apartments. Until now I've done pedal bike touring, mainly camping.

I'm aiming to become more resilient, psychologically and socially and in other ways. I think physiologically is off the table due to age. :) I've had some challenges maintaining a clear head some days. I'm working to do better at focusing my efforts on life rather than false mental disturbances.

I'm aiming to go more efficiently!

Eagle Gamma
Let's terminate COVID fascism!

With increasing knowledge of genealogical origins from genetics, we should have Appelation d'Origine Controlee for ethnicity! :)

Fruit drink - Ingredients: water, sugar, marketing, fruit concentrate (2%). NOW WITH 50% MORE MARKETING!

In France you could also add to the ingredients list: French arrogance.

After the war on drugs and the war on sex, what's next? The war on food and water? The war on all that is good?

In thick Russian accent: "Da, of course I am American citizen. I am from West Carolina Oblast. My name Vasiliy Vasiliyivich."

Don't eat too many fruits and vegetables! :)

Politicians have often deprived people of our freedom and life, e.g. fascism, socialism, COVID BS. I guess it's social justice that the occasional politician gets offed. To be fair, things were fairly brutal even before politicians arrived on the (ob)scene.

Idea: lemon chili soda! :)

Right when you think you have one thing figured out, another thing pops up! :)

A French iguana from French Guiana! :)

I feel like the tide's turning? I'm feeling maybe more comfortable than I have before in Capesterre but now perhaps ready to leave soon emotionally, intellectually, logistically? What's left in the new year? Some comfort and security, some friends. What's pulling? Vaccines for new lands.

Maybe in a month the weather will clear up, the local conflict will clear up, and my mind will clear up?! :)

Go ahead with your life, answer the call! Adventure! :)

COVID fascism isn't even vaguely on the same scale as World War II fascism, but it's in the same direction of deranged lunacy that screws over the human population.

Things actually are more complicated than they seem.

European stuff is often overprice/overly fancy. E.g. languages have tons of unnecessary rules that don't add anything, food often has tons of unnecessary prep that doesn't make it better. In the better cases, however, there are also aspects of European cultures that are quite beautiful and delicious! :)

COVID's over if you want it. What if they had a fascist lockdown and nobody came?

Witnessing the spread of COVID belief, it's easy to see how religions have spread, with their political structures too.

I think this qualifies as one of those events that future people will look back on and laugh, if they even bother to look back at this time. Somewhat how like we can look back on primitive people who didn't understand or believe in evolution.

Rock On!!!!!!!!!!! :)


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