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The Feel of Things

Submitted by eagle on Mon, 11/15/2021 - 12:15

When you do what you can when you can, you can then do some of the remaining activities at later times when they become feasible. Thus, you adapt to the situation, efficiently working through things.

In any age (period of time), at any age (stage of life), there are challenges and opportunities. Things evolve. We can find or create possibilities, and we'll face difficulties. No sense complaining, when there's work to do! :)

Eagle Gamma

It's now been a few years since I've last been in the North American culture that I took somewhat for granted. Starting to feel more like an expat. I generally prefer other cultures than North America. There are a few things that I miss about North America, like the bathrooms, but in general I appreciate the differences.  Other cultures often seem more personable, plus they're different than what I know. New foods, music, etc.

Learning to work with the weather/my emotions. Given how powerfully the weather seems to affect my emotions, I think it makes more sense just to adjust to the weather, rather than to fight it. Nonetheless sometimes some justification to override my weather-driven emotions e.g. if I have some important thing to do.

Some of the gambles don't work, some do. On the balance, you can win much of what you want! :)

Bike touring's good preparation for life. Tons of psychological adaptability necessary! :)

I think you can often do better if you just go out and try things, so go out and try things! :)

My advice: do as many of the interesting attractions/events as you can!

Wearing sunglasses is like taking a psychoactive drug. It alters your perception. It alters other people's perception of you, too, so wearing sunglasses is also like giving other people a psychoactive drug. Technically the same goes for wearing regular glasses, or doing anything else, but it's noticeable with sunglasses.

If we could translate the human genetic code into a computer programming language, it would look something like:


All of the other things we do, like learn or use phones or whatever, go as subroutines.

Or as an expanded version:

    Child = Have_sex(partner);

Went to the bar/epicerie across the street. Some friendly folks, nice music and drinks. People wearing the same hat as each other, not like the usual styles here. I thought it may have been a special day, turns out the store was giving the hats away with the purchase of two bottles of sparkling wine. I bought some, looks delicious -- one white, one lichi!

I remembered a bit of Kreyol from Ayiti! Jiskaprezent, bon bagay! :)


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