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Are We Then Yet?

Submitted by eagle on Wed, 11/10/2021 - 17:58

How much longer until they lift the travel restrictions?!?!

Capesterre Belle-Eau

Fears affects people unconsciously. It's not necessarily something you can fix just by willing away your fears. I think it takes some degree of knowledge and action to manage, but nonetheless the fears operate at a deeper level.

Doctors and lawyers deal with sick people.

Does caffeine make me sleepy? A paradoxical effect.

I think there's also a causation-is-not-correlation effect, where I drink caffeine when I'm sleepy, then notice that I'm sleepy anyways after caffeine.

Each day is a new opportunity to see the miraculous structures of nature!

I think that religion, rock & roll (which includes religious music as a main source), drugs, learning for fun instead of school, thrill sports, gambling, and many other human behaviors basically reuse the same neural pathways that evolved to make food and sex and survival pleasurable.

Don't be annoyed or scared by the expected mental delusions. :)

Guadeloupe is ridiculously overpriced, but I can see it as an affordable price to pay for access to France and the EU markets. :)

Whatever you do there'll be difficulties. I think it's a matter of selecting your goals then just going through the difficulties anyways. A reminder.

I don't expect it to be right away, when they run the ferries again. Maybe soon, though.

I now think and feel I'm ready to go!

Before I'd been waiting on some packages, but they've all arrived. Now I think the only thing holding me back is the ferries not running due to the destinations having practically closed borders.

New packaging! Now with 50% more marketing!

Made a few more modifications over at BikeWOW.

Pushing forward. Working through the remainder of the Coronavirus. Then on to new adventures!!!!! :)

Eagle Gamma

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