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Iguana in Capesterre!

Submitted by eagle on Sat, 03/06/2021 - 18:22

It must be weird, being normal. :)


Things turn out much differently than you'd expect.

Bacteria and virii are doing quite an impressive job of standing up to modern humans!

I now think that I've seen as much as I can of this region of Guadeloupe!

I'm planning to see a bunch of another island in this country, before moving to the next country.

Things -- you, me, the environment -- consistently "invade" parts of each other.

Instead of finding it excessively frustrating, maybe we should adapt as we can?

I think that we have more control over our outcomes than often seems the case.

I'm not arguing that people can override the environment just by thinking, but that having an attitude that "we can do it" enables people to do things that may not seem feasible without that attitude.

The hard stuff looks easy.

Give what you can! :)


Another week in Capesterre, basically waiting on the package before going!

I think that life's more "on the edge" than we think. I.e., I think that we humans have a tendency to take things for granted, to think of things as "normal" because that's how they seem, when in fact our notion of "normal" is an abnormal illusion that can easily disappear.

So, act fast?

If only you could eat a thousand kilograms of chocolate then have all of your problems fixed. :)

Maybe senators should have to fight again, if they start wars, as in Rome or other societies.

I guess if you're tied to a single place, there's not enough to do other than work full time. :)

(Or drink.)

Kind of pushing it, as far as time available to take care of some time-sensitive tasks.

I'm waiting for a package that should have arrived months before now.

At least there are other things to do.

A large iguana came into the apartment in the evening. When I went towards the door where it had entered, I heard a sudden noise that startled me, as the iguana rushed into the kitchen area, near the fridge. It stayed there for a while, standing nearly motionless. I went to bed thirsty. When I woke up, I went with a backpack to block off any injury, and a flashlight, afraid of the large iguana that may have stayed next to the refrigerator. It had gone.


More uncertainty. The package hasn't arrived yet, and I haven't heard back from my e-mails to the delivery business lately. I'm no longer as anxious to leave in some senses, but remain anxious to leave in other senses, including having some time pressures from tasks that I have to attend to that I don't think I can do from this country.

I guess it's often necessary to deal with uncertainty, frustrations. I think it makes sense at least to take a productive approach, do what you can on the sources of uncertainty or frustrations, as well as on other tasks that aren't blocked, while also maintaining a positive attitude.

For millions of years, humans as well as other species have faced uncertainty, frustrations, losses, failures. It doesn't make sense for that not to apply now (regardless of any developments in technology), so I guess we should expect such frustrating events and consider them normal instead of unusual.

After trying a bunch of methods and products to sleep (I often sleep well but recently have had trouble falling or staying asleep, maybe due to stresses), I think that antihistamines (as in some sleep pills or anti-allergy pills) may work somewhat decently, alcohol may work somewhat decently (with numerous other effects), melatonin doesn't seem to do much, many herbal products don't seem to do much, paradoxical intent (forcing yourself to stay up until you fall asleep) may assist somewhat but has limits, distracting yourself with productive tasks can increase mood while accomplishing useful things if you can do them, other techniques don't seem to do much.

Iguana's back! Or didn't leave. I think it may have hidden. Not sure how it got in.

I'm somewhat scared to go for a drink even though I'm thirsty, with the large iguana next to the refrigerator. I'd like it to leave. I'm also worried that it may stay there, dying. I can picture the person cleaning the apartment after I leave finding an iguana next to the fridge!

I think that the iguana finally left, after a few days (two?). I partly wanted it to leave, for its own sake. But part of me also wanted it to stay, what an interesting creature.

Wrong again, iguana's still there!

Again (after the above), I thought that the iguana left, but it remains.

I guess I have a pet iguana now. How long do pet iguanas go without food? It doesn't seem to eat the food that I've left out. I'm no longer that scared of it, since it seems so scared of me. I've tried to encourage the iguana to go out, but it scurries back behind the fridge whenever I approach.

We're open systems within open systems?

Rock & roll if you can! :)


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