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More Action in Port-au-Prince, Haiti!

Submitted by eagle on Mon, 01/06/2020 - 15:20

It's a funny feeling to be the only white person in an entire country. I feel like a representative for the race.

If I act rude, probably some Haitians will think that white people are rude. If I act considerately, probably some Haitians will think that white people are considerate.

Sunblock, sweat, humidity/rain, and other substances can (frustratingly) prevent smartphone touchscreens from working.

In just a few days, I've become comfortable with the money. There are gourdes. People also refer to Haitian dollars, which no longer are in use. It's confusing when people say prices, since it's not obvious in which. It's even more confusing when they say prices in Haitian dollars, since there's an unspoken multiplication/division by five.

While walking by the coast, I ran into one of the other passengers from the bus!

Maybe leave Haiti when I run out of sunblock, which I haven't seen for sale here.

Went for a walk.

Found another hotel.

Went to the ATM. The ATM failed. Went to another ATM. That ATM also failed. Charged my account anyways.

Outside the first ATM, someone (homeless?) threw a rock at me.

Now going to try to fix the bank situation.

Probably leaving Haiti soon.

ATMs not working. Internet not working. No phone service.

Feels like Cuba!

Some of the power went out!

I'm aiming for next Monday to leave. Maybe before or after.

I just want to get to a functional society right now.

Bank credited me the last attempted withdrawal.

Went to a different ATM. Out of service. Went to several ATMs, five or six. Out of service, or not open.

Found another ATM (next to another out of service ATM). Attempted to take out the cash again. Failed again, charging my card again.

Haiti isn't famous for its effective banking.


I've now attempted to take out around $500 US.

ATMs keep falling, yet charging my card.

Port-au-Prince feels like a safer city than I would've thought.

Haiti is a beautiful country, but it's full of frustrations.

Things often do not work in Haiti.

I may have to leave the country earlier than I wanted.


Went back to the bank.

(The following day.)

Long line.

A piece of travel advice: don't go to Haiti for the banks!

At least I could withdraw a hundred US dollars, which I'd downloaded from PayPal into my bank account.

Probably still a while to fix the ATM problems.

Things often go wrong.

It's our job to make them right!

Eagle Gamma in Port-au-Prince, Haiti!

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