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Eagle Eyes Adventure Goggles: Version 0.9!

Submitted by eagle on Fri, 12/13/2019 - 20:54

"I'm ready to wear a pair of these!"

My thoughts on seeing latest draft.

I think that the frame shape is almost but not quite there.

To a certain extent, I'm just adjusting by eye.

Also, measuring.

After making larger changes, fine-tuning.

One notices any slight discrepancies.

It feels wrong.

There's a palpable sense of relief when a problem is ironed out.

I feel Japanese or something, fine-tuning.

Such a different way of working for me.

I feel like I now have the rough shape. After all that refining!

We'll see. This fine-tuning isn't my fine point.

I feel like the shape is now more or less the same as the lens. Still unsure how precise it has to be. I guess it's time to get to the next step!

Here's version 0.9!


Eagle Eyes Adventure Goggles!

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