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Eagle Eyes Adventure Goggles: Another Session!

Submitted by eagle on Wed, 11/20/2019 - 17:54

Working on the goggles again!

Trying some more refinements of the shape, to make it fit better.

The lenses should fit in the frame. The frame should fit on the face.

The strap should fit in the frame.

In this part I feel like I'm manipulating small parts, refining, more than the previous bulk stages. Still not at the finest part.

My plan now is to spend the rest of this week's sessions smoothing out the frame shape, then have next week as my leeway week.

Then, on to the next stages of production!

It's hard to get going on a project. Especially when it's gray and cold, you're without caffeine, and you have other distractions. Still, once you get underway, momentum carries you along!

In any process there are imperfections, distractions.

I think it's important to carry on anyways.

Focus on the goal!

After a bunch more editing, I've smoothed out the frame in some parts. The frame now approximately fits around the lenses. I made the strap holders more even.

Also, I updated the procedure for mirroring one side of the model onto the other.

Here's some imagery!


Eagle Eyes Adventure Goggles!


Eagle Eyes Adventure Goggles!


Eagle Eyes Adventure Goggles!


Eagle Eyes Adventure Goggles!


Eagle Eyes Adventure Goggles!

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