
Submitted by eagle on Tue, 07/02/2019 - 18:44

Again, spent another day at the beach. I like these three-day weekends!

I have an addictive personality. I have no more food, water, or sunblock. I feel like if I had sunblock, I would probably stay even longer!

One thing I especially like about Puerto Rico is the attitude. After spending a while in paternalistic societies, such as the USA and Cuba, where people constantly watch you and interfere with any deviation from the norms, here people generally let you go, and if anything contribute to your preferences.

In those previous places, I often had to explain to police, nosy neighbors, and others, what I was doing, often followed by a visit to the police station. Here in Puerto Rico, I haven't even had interactions with the police, aside from standing near off-duty cops.

Found a place off the map. Or, rather, got lost in a place off the map.

Rode/walked uphill from the beach. Had a hard time making it back to civilization.

Followed a couple of horses. Finally made it to a gate. Thankfully it was openable!

After that, in the burning hot sun, the hard-to-breathe humidity, without sunblock, kept going. Stopped for a giant plate of rice, beans, cod, plantain, and a coke. Kept going, made it to a panaderia. Picked up some bread, more coke, some cheese, and a pastry. Kept going, stopped at a fruit stand for mavi, a brownish fruit beverage. Kept going, now at wifi.


