Let's Go for a Ride/Onward

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Max and the Beast slowed down gracefully.

Pulling up on the side of the road to the hitchhiker, the world shook.

"Howdy, fellowmate!" Max yelled out the now unrolled passenger window.

"Hail, fellow!" replied the enthusiastically grateful hitchhiker.

"Where ya headed?"

"South!" he yelled joyously.

"Hop on in! I'm Max, and she's the Beast."

"Edward," replied Edward.

"Interesting name," muttered Max.

The three of them rolled on in silence for a spell. Observing the scenery. Taking in the scenery.

"Beautiful," said Max.

"What's that?" asked Edward.

"Hear her humming? The engine. We're gonna go a long way together."

They shared a moment of silence.



Let's Go for a Ride: a collaborative adventure