Let's Go for a Ride/Forward

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And so they rolled.

And looking out the window, a flurry of trees went by, slowly. Then faster. Then rapidly.

A highway sign showed the way to three different destinations:

"Welcox: Left Lane | Hillcome: Center Lane | Oswego: Right Lane"

"Which way, Beast?" asks Max.

The Beast jumps forth into the center lane. Kicking into high gear, the automatic transmission kicks it up.

"Woah, Nelly!" yells Edward.

"Relax! Relax!" yells Max.

A bond quickly forms between Edward and Max.

"Know what we need in here?" asks Max.

"What's that?"

"Some, like, ovulation, dude!"

The two and the Beast shoot off to the next dive bar.

"We can pick up in here."


Let's Go for a Ride: a collaborative adventure