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Latest revision as of 16:23, 23 April 2018

The two robot assistants trail you into the aft of the ship.

"And what happened here?" you ask.

"Oh," they say in unison. "You probably mean the engine room. Well, this whole contrivance was a fanciful exploration of the imagination. Long ago, with the proceeds from the first excursions of the Qur'huu-an East Gindia Trading Company, they hired the famous Thar'lig to design this ship. Only, by then Thar'lig had become elderly and mindlost. If only they hadn't loaded so much treasure onboard," the robot assistants shake their head enclosures sadly.

"But it still floats?"

"No, it's a sunken treasure ship."

"But it's on the sea surface."

"Yes, but it's sunk."

Looking out the portholes, the water does seem to cover up the ship, even though you climbed onboard through the air.

"So, uh, what else is on the ship?" you ask.

"Everything and nothing," say the robot assistants in a coldly affectionate manner.

Tropicalia Island.png Tropicalia is a magical land of mystery, craft, romance, and more...