The Seagull Farmer

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Once upon a time there was a seagull farmer.

A seagull farmer is just like you or me or any other farmer, you see. Except that a seagull farmer farms seagulls.

One day the seagull farmer was out working, when a neighbor farmer came by to visit.

"How're yer seagulls comin'?" laughed the neighbor farmer, who farmed turnips.

"Oh, jus' great!" replied the seagull farmer. "Why, I 'spect they'll be right back any time soon," and saying this pointed towards the sky.

"Blustery day, eh?" asked the turnip farmer snidely, smirking towards the wind.

"Well I reckon it's a nor'easter," said the seagull farmer with pride. "I'll set on my ol' fence u'til the flock returns."

"Say, how you grow 'em birds?" asked the turnip farmer, feigning sincerity.

"Well s'easy. All ya gotta do is feed 'em. They like most everything... wheat, berries, turnips, parsley. Why I reckon you could 'bout feed 'em plain ol' grass and they'd gobble it up," said the seagull farmer.

"An' how you gonna sell 'em?" asked the turnip farmer, now faintly bemused.

"Well, that part I still ain't worked out right yet," said the seagull farmer.