Phase Q/Tiger City

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In the arena, you pace calculatingly. Data flows through your veins. Light bounces around the stands, converting into signals in your amped up mind. Your artificial thought system closes the circuit.

As the bird swoops down low, close to you, you leap up off your powerful hind legs. Midway through the air, you transmorph into a kind of attack plane with lasers blasting away. The birdform prey transmorphs into a cloud, allowing the laser light to pass through harmlessly. You become a hermetically sealed container, and the cloud turns into a hypercrystal awl that pierces your wall. The two of you both become an alternating chemical connection, each one performing half of the roll. Connection.

The crowd of electrical signals pulses in approval.

As the enemy becomes a toad, you revert to tiger form and pounce on its fragile body, exploding it victoriously.

The crowd roars.

Suddenly transported to a jungle, you look around in animalistic fear. Blood pulses through your veins. Smells infiltrate your nostrils, driving you into an uncontrollable rage. You scan, lost, confused.

What the dark is this place?! You think to yourself.

Birds flee. They must be afraid of you. That seems good, at least.

Hm, that tree looks climbable. You leap up the trunk. Now what?

A feeling comes into your body. It feels unfamiliar to you now, but you recognize it from somewhere. What was it?

Hundreds of years ago, thousands, or was it millions? You remember when you had a different body, and you felt this way.

Oh yeah. It was more recently than that. You felt hunger. When you didn’t have enough food. An ancient, primal feeling that started in your stomach and seeped through your whole body. But didn’t you stop having that feeling?

It returns. You feel the hunger driving your gaze, now. Looking around, what can you eat? Trees, no. Bushes, no. Ground, no. Sky, no.

Birds! That must be why they’re flying from you. They know you can eat them. Do they know you’re hungry? You have a hard time remembering how this mode goes.

Rearing back, and crawling through the jungle stealthily, by instinct, you stalk a bird. A cute little thing, you almost feel sorry for it.

Crouching, waiting, aiming. You pounce.

Yet, as you pounce, something hits you. A large, impenetrable wall between you and the bird. Why didn’t you see it?

The digital cages holds you, controls you.

Phase Q: An interactive adventure.