Phase Q/Free Fly

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Grapefruits, trampolines, thousands of miles of spaghetti!

The funhouse jostles with reckless abandon. Noises sound, new sounds never heard before. Confetti feels imminent.

The Flowrisers fly around, transforming readily. They leap about like deer, playing in the bright green light.

On some occasions, the general vicinity seems to move backwards in time, with all motions reversed. Other times the scene inverts in its color spectrum, or explodes chaotically instead of maintaining order.

New parts form out of the mayhem. A geometric shape and an abstract thought pattern merge into a functional design that seems to blot out arbitrary volumes of space from the sky.

Laughter fills the void. A kaleidoscope-like formation of different living things dance together. Whoops of joy shatter dark clouds flying by, like shards of colored glass.

Little cubes drop from nowhere. Within each cube, scenes play out. In the scenes, little soldiers clumsily march about, costumed in mismatching uniforms made out of who-knows-what. Occasionally one of the figures discovers how to float a bit off the ground. Then he falls back to earth, usually landing on his feet.

A glowing tube of light observes a few of the minicubes. As the tube brightens, little flashes explode within the minicubes, knocking the minisoldiers off their feet. The rest look around the miniscene, stunned.

The sky suddenly shifts from green to red. All the light in the immense volume of space, stretching indefinitely off beyond measure, shift instantly from green to red. In the changing hues, some objects cease to reflect visible light, disappearing from view, while others just as suddenly appear.

Half of the volume splits off from the other half, forming two distinct volumes. A hard edge seems to separate the two volume. Flying objects that hit the barrier seem to bounce off, like billiard balls off the table walls.

As the figures float and play, one conglomeration continues to grow. At first it resembles a bulbous flower, with multiple nodules building upon each other. It adds new ones, each round and protuberant. The growth spirals from just a handful to fill thousands, millions, billions of cubic feet.

“Oh, we gotta watch that one,” says a happy pumpkin. He pops out a seed that emerges into a guardian figure. The guardian rapidly organizes the nodules on the exploding flower, converting the excess budlets into a rainbow fluid.

The rainbow fluid forms a lengthy river through its vol chunk. It bumps up against an edge, and expands all along the wall. Stretching further and further, it wallpapers the edge of the vol chunk, which then fades away.

With one wall of the vol chunk empty, its contents start pouring out into a void.

The Flowrisers take notice. Festivities grind to a halt. Spirals pop into the vol. Merging together with each other, the spirals form a tunnel, and all the Flowrisers hop in. They slide through into the other chunk of vol. The first chunk dumps out into the void, empty.

In the remaining vol chunk, a group of Triads practice shooting at waxy targets. A dense mud of Flowrisers fall from all directions. Splat. The squad gets liquefied.

The blob of Flowrisers settles down. In its stead, a grasshopper arises. The sounds diminish. A lovepro walks into the room.

Phase Q: An interactive adventure.