6 Billion A.D./Messenger of Destruction

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Tentative Synopsis: In his despair Rigel becomes the tool of the enemy, as the Order pushes the League to the brink.

Rigel Later

After having lived for thousands of years, Rigel had become quite powerful. Still, he did have some weaknesses.


My ship was captured by an Order [drifter]. It pulled me into its bay...


... The robed man said... “Why?” I asked. Why does the Order do it? It’s hard to understand. We’re not monsters. “But you wreak such destruction.” The universe is such a fragile thing. It’s alive. I looked up, what do you mean?. This is not the first time, there’s been countless cycles. And each time it must be protected. Protected from what? Sentient life, of course, desperately wanting to live at all cost, to change everything only to eventually disappear. Should we really compare the selfish needs of one race to Infinity. “But to destroy, throw the galaxy into a dark age.” We do what must be done. What if you did stop it, stop the collapse. You know you would kill the universe. I replied, but it’s inevitable right? Nothing is inevitable. It can be stopped. It’s always within reach, one galaxy can poison everything. “So you’re saviors” I said mockingly. No we do what must be done.


I don’t care about you’re miserable manifesto. I just want to destroy something, I said. Then we will let you.


The... ... ...


As one world after another fell, my face was the last thing they saw. To go from a hero, someone that was celebrated, to a monster made the affair exceptionally terrible. It felt good at first, but now it was becoming unbearable. Could I just leave and wander the ashes? Haven't I done enough (damage) for one lifetime. Would the Order even let me leave. They would probably kill me. But I guess that is what I deserve anyway...



Surprisingly they let me leave, even providing a small ship. I guess there was nothing left for me to do; my tenure had expired. The remaining free worlds were largely insignificant. All the great alliances were broken. All the great races were planet bound, only a small fraction of the population remained. It would be centuries before the galaxy would start to recover. The Order had done its job...





  • The...


6 Billion A.D.: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Leaving Love | Chapter 4 | Hero of the League | The Order Attacks | The League Fights Back | Messenger of Destruction | The Search | Collapse