6 Billion A.D./Leaving Love

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Chapter 3: (...)

Tentative Synopsis: Rigel finds himself on the planet of the immortals, falling in love, but also needing to leave after a short time.


We arrived at the planet but there was nothing there. The screen was black. Where is it? It’s hidden from view. We have to go through the field to get there. Let me send the signal for entry... we passed through the field and a small, green planet came into view. “There she is, home to the immortals.”


... That’s when I saw her. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My eyes widened, jaw dropped, blood rushed to my face, strange energies circulated my body, every part of me tingled, my feet grew heavy. Then my heart started racing, so fast it was terrifying, as if it stopped beating. I wanted to run, dive, lunge, I don’t know whether towards her or away. I think I jumped in the air. Was I floating? Her face... Time stopped, for how long I’m not sure, as I tip-toed towards her, unaware that I was moving. I would have walked passed her if she had not stopped me. “A new face! How exciting.” “New. Face.” I regained my compusure, “yes, I recently arrived here.”




I woke up and she was gone. I searched everywhere... It was the worst day of my life.


I checked the database. Sophiy had taken a shuttle and left in the middle of the night.


  • The...


6 Billion A.D.: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Leaving Love | Chapter 4 | Hero of the League | The Order Attacks | The League Fights Back | Messenger of Destruction | The Search | Collapse