Phase Q/Mix

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Flashes of light shoot through each other. They emit sharp eruptions in many colors.

Set against the beautiful pitch black backdrop, the colors light up the sky. Little dots of starlight add character.

Ideas flow through the invisible nodes connecting together the various points in spacetime. Visions of faces, almost mythical, pop up in your conscious mind.

The cold air is full of fumes: substances from commerce past, exhaust from warfare past, and the more clearly defined semiotic offshoots of the current waves of infogy. Who knows what will follow?

Visions of your selves throughout spacetime, from both experiential and external perspectives, flash through your awarenesses. You feel for patterns, finding vague connections, nothing certain.

Your energy bar starts shooting upwards.

Each time you spin through some vicinity, now, you experience it from multiple perspectives. It would have become tiring previously, yet you now seem to do so relatively easily.

Planets spin through space, each one a memento. Like old friends, the orbs carry special characteristics that have meaning for you.

You share your thoughtstream on the infogy. You feel other awarenesses dipping in, yet you know that the feeling comes from a synthiasm, since the measurements themselves leave no trace. You thought they had to leave a trace, but then you also thought that your energy meter shouldn’t jolt up on its own like that. Shows what you know.

That’s funny.

You feel a tickling sensation. It’s almost like a memory, or deja-vu. Yet, somehow different. The tickling itself feels somewhat the same, but the cascade of follow-on sensation differs.

You observe.

As you watch, the metaverse seems to unwind. You recognize these moves. You did them before, backwards. And things seemed different when you looked at the worlds that way.

Time reopens, this time facing what you thought of as the beginning. Space pops up with all its points and goes through the matterenergy motions. You watch. And you wait.

And you wait and you wait and you wait.

All those eons that seemed to take ages the first time around, feel much longer going backwards, the second time around.

Finally, you get to the point you remember, wherewhen the Zonnyx quantum system disrupted you, put you to sleep until the end of time.

Now you wake up.

Now you reassemble yourself.

Now you send the Zonnyx world-flattener back to its birthpoint, in that spark of light ignited by the Futuristas.

And this time, from your outside perspective, you see that the spark didn’t happen quite so spontaneously.

From all around, you see a new kind of device, which you’ve never observed before. It seems to wrap around the ignition spark. It’s completely invisible from any one side, or multiple sides. In fact, it’s completely invisible to anyone without a simultaneous complete view all around. Which you now have.

From this point of view, you can clearly make out the ignition device.

It uses a positive electric charge, curiously.

And just as it requires someone with a complete all-the-way-around view to see it, it requires someone with a complete all-the-way-around touch to start it.


Phase Q: An interactive adventure.