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... That’s when I saw her. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My eyes widened, jaw dropped, blood rushed to my face, strange energies circulated my body, every part of me tingled, my feet grew heavy. Then my heart started racing, so fast it was terrifying, as if it stopped beating. I wanted to run, dive, lunge, I don’t know whether towards her or away. I think I jumped in the air. Was I floating? Her face... Time stopped, for how long I’m not sure, as I tip-toed towards her, unaware that I was moving. I would have walked passed her if she had not stopped me. “A new face! How exciting.” “New.  Face.” I regained my compusure, “yes, I recently arrived here.”
... That’s when I saw her. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My eyes widened, jaw dropped, blood rushed to my face, strange energies circulated my body, every part of me tingled, my feet grew heavy. Then my heart started racing, so fast it was terrifying, as if it stopped beating. I wanted to run, dive, lunge, I don’t know whether towards her or away. I think I jumped in the air. Was I floating? Her face... Time stopped, for how long I’m not sure, as I tip-toed towards her, unaware that I was moving. I would have walked passed her if she had not stopped me. “A new face! How exciting.” “New.  Face.” I regained my compusure, “yes, I recently arrived here.”
While Rigel falls deeply in love, it is Shamandee, a sacred yet quiet and soft-spoken shaman who is in the background, that grows in love rather than falls in its depth. Shamandee knows the difference between falling and growing in love, even if it's equally as fast. Although there are many differences between the Shamandee and Rigel; it is their love for the same woman the energy that they share. However, Shamandee's perspective on love is radically different...and without verbally explaining this to anyone, it is only her that notices the differences in vibrational energy.
Shamandee knows that love is only authentic when it gives unrestricted freedom, not when it chases the other to be loved. Shamandee knows that love is sufficient even when it's only accepted, without reciprocation in return. Recipocracion or expecting that the other will also love one - is like a business transaction.
The quiet, eccentric mystic had a different language in which he spoke. And yet, it might sound like gibberish to the untrained ear across the galaxies. It is only in silence when he can be understoo....something that Shamandee is very aware of. It is contrary to the burning the desire of Rigel. It is a cool, soothing, soft and reinvigorating love. A love that is not possessive, but rather a love that allows for growth and freedom. Despite the scientific background on the study of botany, it appears that Riegal has forgotten about this natural equilibrium with life.

Revision as of 07:08, 16 February 2020

Chapter 3: (...)

Tentative Synopsis: Rigel finds himself on the planet of the immortals, falling in love, but also needing to leave after a short time.


We arrived at the planet but there was nothing there. The screen was black. Where is it? It’s hidden from view. We have to go through the field to get there. Let me send the signal for entry... we passed through the field and a small, green planet came into view. “There she is, home to the immortals.”


... That’s when I saw her. The most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My eyes widened, jaw dropped, blood rushed to my face, strange energies circulated my body, every part of me tingled, my feet grew heavy. Then my heart started racing, so fast it was terrifying, as if it stopped beating. I wanted to run, dive, lunge, I don’t know whether towards her or away. I think I jumped in the air. Was I floating? Her face... Time stopped, for how long I’m not sure, as I tip-toed towards her, unaware that I was moving. I would have walked passed her if she had not stopped me. “A new face! How exciting.” “New. Face.” I regained my compusure, “yes, I recently arrived here.”




I woke up and she was gone. I searched everywhere... It was the worst day of my life.




  • The...


6 Billion A.D.: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Leaving Love | Chapter 4 | Hero of the League | The Order Attacks | The League Fights Back | Messenger of Destruction | The Search | Collapse